Saturday, July 25, 2009

another boy name

I also like the name Quinn for a boy. So far Quinn and Jude.

It's Potty Time!

So Moira is a very girly girl. She is 2 and she likes shoes and purses and clothes and she likes her toenails painted. Now since I am a stay at home mom, I often feel like Colm gets a little jipped having to deal with girl stuff all the time. So when Moira realized that she likes to have her toenails painted, Colm wanted his too. I do not believe in the modern way of parenting that lets boys and girls do whatever they want, call me non-PC, please. So I told Colm no, boys don't paint their toe nails. And after a few days of trying to figure out something he can do and Moira absolutely cannot do ( I don't want to inhibit her in things that are ok for her to do too) I came up with, boys get to stand up to pee. Girls cannot do that. So he was quite excited at that. That leads us to tonight. Moira wanted her toenails repainted and Colm wanted to watch, or do it, or have it done, anything to be apart of it. So we all went up to the bathroom where the polish is and Moira sat on the lid of the potty and I painted her toes and then Colm helped me blow on the to dry them. Then he said he wanted his done and I told him no, so he says, then I want to pee standing up. I said ok, actually in my head I said HALLELUJAH PRAISE GOD ABOVE!!!!!! So he stood there looking excited and said it's coming! and sure enough he peed in the potty!!! What a proud moment for him and for me and daddy as well.
I never wanted to be one of those moms that pushes the kid into potty training because I don't think it works this way. But, Colm is 3 1/2 and is going to be starting preschool in Septemeber, IF he can go on the potty. So I am very happy that it seems (trying not to get my hopes up) that it might be taking this time! I am so very proud of my little man!! What a great day to be a mommy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Big girl

Moira slept in her big girl bed for her whole nap and is currently sleeping in it for the night too! I am so proud of her! I am just proud of my kids altogether. They are caring and loving, with eachother and with others. Everyday they surprise me with the things they say and do. They encourage eachother and always want to help. They are amazing kids and I am so blessed to be their mother.

Monday, July 6, 2009

YAY for me! I figured how to post pictures on my blog now! So here are a couple of my recent favorites of the kiddos. Enjoy! (oh i meant on the side of the blog, not within the blog)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stella, I like Stella for a girl too.