Monday, August 9, 2010

out with the old

I decided that it is time to get rid of the baby clothes I have saved for years hoping that we would have another little one to put in them. They are taking up a ton of space in our storage unit and we could really use the extra money right now. So tonight I started going through them to pick out ones I want to keep and to throw out those that are stained. It wasn't quite as hard as I thought it was going to be, but still it was hard. To look at all of those tiny things and feel fairly confident we will not have another little one to put in them breaks my heart.  Maybe someday we will adopt. We'd both like that, but we just don't have the space or the money to do it now. I have just been feeling really silly keeping all of those bins and bins of clothes and other baby equipment "just in case". So since I cannot get a job, this is how I can contribute. Still, it hurts to part with them.