Monday, June 15, 2009

Baby Fever

So I totally have baby fever right now. A lot of my friends are trying to get pregnant or already are, I mean nearly ALL of my friends. We were planning on trying in Septemeber, but this past week I totally thought I was pregnant and I wasn't. I am afraid it won't be so easy for us this time. The first two we never even had to try for! So we are not going to be "trying", but not inhibiting either. It is so disappointing when you spend a week or two really believing that you are pregnant only to find out you never were. I always think of Rachel of friends (seriously) when Phoebe reads the pregnancy test and tricks her and says it's negative and Rachel says "how can I be this sad about something I never had". I know it will pass in a few days, but today I still mourn for what I thought was there.

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