Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the middle of the story

So lately I have been wondering why things never seem to go the way I hope, or think they should. It seems as if we are stuck in a literal pile of crap. One thing after another, nothing huge mind you, goes wrong. So today I needed a break because I was grumpy and just need to escape for awhile, so I went to the movies. And as I was driving home I started to think about how I wished my life were a romantic comedy. Where boy says nice things, girl falls in love with boy, boy usually does something stupid (I could live without this part), and then redeems himself with some huge tear inducing speech and they live happily ever after. Then I realized I sort of am. When I think of the romantic comedy I think of the perfect situation at the end of the movie when everyone is happy and everything works out ok. That's when I realized I am in the middle of the story. This is the part of the story where sometimes the hero says stupid things, and where the heroine cries because things are not going the way she thought. And I realized that just because things seem sucky and sometime hopeless, the story isn't over.

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