Tuesday, November 2, 2010

life's not fair

Man, they sure mean it when they say life isn't fair don't they?  I really thought I was pregnant this month, but no, again I am not. I just can't keep dealing with this heartache every month. This month especially. I really thought that God would not let me get to this  month with an empty womb. How am I going to face this month?! I should only be 2 weeks or so away from holding my precious baby and instead I am heartbroken by the loss every day and every month it gets worse and worse. How do you forget, how do you ever move on when all you want is another child? The thing that so many people are afraid of getting, murder in the womb, or leave it for dead once it is born. Why does God give babies to those people and not to me? It's destroying me and I don't know how to not let it.

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